영어 인터뷰 학원 [국제학교 외국인학교 유학필수 & 자신만만 인터뷰 준비]공부방법 2023. 5. 21. 15:35
For Global Leaders with IVY 아이비 어학원
IVY Education
글로벌 리더교육
프리미엄 맞춤형 수업
모든 교직원 협력시스템
빠른 정보 안내 학업적 성과 극대화 Interview tips
Eye contact
바른 태도로 경청하고 답변
나에 대해 다양한 주제 준비
돌발 질문도 차분하게 대비
지원하는 학교 정보 검색
Interview questions
for entering International school
Make sure to sound positive and give as much relevant detail as possible.
Don’t say “I don’t know” and avoid using “erm ...” or being silent for too long.
Don’t forget to ask questions at the end of the interview relate to the school to show interest.
• Tell me about yourself ... (Hobbies, interests, family, skills ...)
• Personal information:
• Hobbies:
• Values: Kindness, Friendship, Community,Character building
• Why do you want to come to our school?
I want to come to this school because...
Personal goal:
+ Personalized lesson
인터뷰 개인 맞춤형 수업
1. 국제학교 인터뷰 시험에서 가장 빈도높은 질문 대비
2. 학생이 주로 많이 틀리는 표현들을 고칠 수 있도록 꼼꼼하게 수정
3. 같은 문장에서 두개 이상의 동사가 쓰일 때 동사의 형태 일치 연습
4. 다양한 질문에 자신만의 답변 준비하기
5. 발음 및 인터뷰 진행 시 바른 태도 가이드
6. 돌발질문에도 당황하지 않고 자신감으로 답변하기
7. 학생만의 독창적인 답변으로 모범 자료 정리하기
Interview questions
for entering International school
Make sure to sound positive and give as much relevant detail as possible. Don’t say “I don’t know” and avoid using “erm ...” or being silent for too long. Don’t forget to ask questions at the end of the interview relate to the school to show interest.
• Tell me about yourself ... (Hobbies, interests,
family, skills...)
Hello, my name is Brave Kim.
I am a 5th grader currently studying in Bundang Elementary School. My hobbies are cycling and reading comics about science. I love the sensation and thrill I get when I ride a bicycle. I love to read comics on science that show experimentations that I can follow at home.
As a person, I value kindness and friendship. I think that it is important to be nice to others because we do not know what the other person is going through. I also think having friends who you can trust is important in havin
g a happy life.
• Why do you want to come to our school?
I want to come to this school because...
Personal goal:
Why this school? ASA program: Cycling club, Robotics club, Mission: Character, Inquiry, Community
I want to study in ABC International school because I want to study under an education system that values community and character building. I love that the school’s mission includes character building because being a responsible member of a society is the most important goal.
I am also interested in joining the ASA After School Activity Cycling club and Robotics Club. I have a deep passion for cycling and would also like to get into robotics.
• What do you want to be in your future? Why?
• Goal: Car designer
• Why? I love cars and am interested in the design process
• How: Learn about car different designs used in cars, visit car museums, Try painting and designing my own mini car
분당 [IVY 아이비 어학원]
IVY Education
■ Set up the goals 전문가 상담
언제나 가능한 상담 시간
학습목표 및 입학시험 대비한 상담
국제학교 외국인 학교 GPA 전과목 관리
■ Personalized Lesson 맞춤형 수업
매수업 후 정확한 평가와 피드백
효율적인 수업진행으로 높은 학습 만족도
실력과 인성을 겸비한 국제학교 전임강사들
■ Empowering self-Studying 효율적 관리
학습동기와 학업성취도 부여
시험기간에 맞춘 주기적 평가 진행
목적에 따른 학습과 수업 다각적 관리
■ IVY 어학원 커리큘럼
국제학교 외국인학교 입학시험대비
IB, AP, Math, Science, Social Studies
Interview, Debate, Writing, Essay
+ 국제학교 외국인학교 전문 [IVY 아이비 어학원]
문의: 031-717-0596
Katalk ID: jaemykr
위치: 분당구 황새울로 200번길 34 코포모타워 2층
(수내역 2번출구 110m 도보 2분)
GPA 전과목 관리 지도
토플, 토익, 영어에세이, 영어인터뷰
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